Post 16 Education
Our team at the farm come from a diverse background and all contribute to making our team so incredibly well rounded and capable of supporting the young people we have here. Our experienced team includes a highly qualified and proficient SENDCO, a Psychologist, fully qualified Teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants, fully qualified Forest School Leaders, Speech and Language specialists and certified Animal Assisted Therapists and Equine specialists delivering therapeutic interventions.
As such our core package primarily supports SEMH with maths and English being delivered by fully qualified teachers to support SEMH targets and outcomes. Our teaching team and Forest School leaders deliver ASDAN courses as well as Functional skills in English, maths and Digital Skills. We offer Speech and Language Therapy sessions using the SCERTS model and alongside guidance from Speech and Language Therapists, also included in this is work using Talking Mats, Makaton and PECS. At our site, we have a range of activities to support sensory diets including deep pressure therapy and other activities to provide proprioceptive feedback. Our Equine and Animal Assisted wellbeing sessions as well as TAC PAC and the natural environment around us are used to support sensory needs. We are also beginning to apply the DDP principles within our setting alongside PACE and PANDA. With guidance from our Counsellor and Psychotherapist, we support young people's wellbeing and offer guided mindfulness and social skills.