Today was the final day of learning about the Chinese New Year, many of our young people learnt about the story of how the Chinese zodiac was created and even made a picture showing the order the animals came, in the race across the river. Everyone was very interested in finding out what animal they were based on their birth year.
More trifles were being made today, and they looked absolutely delicious! We hope our young people are tucking into these tonight, we definitely wish we were!
The farm dogs were also in for a treat today, as our young people made them fun enrichment activities, including a brain buster made out of toilet paper. The goats joined in on another enrichment activity which involved digging for treats in a box filled with newspaper, Thomas especially loved this! 🐐
Our ducks are enjoying their pond life and so are our young people, you'll catch them relaxing in the sun on the chairs while watching the ducks swim around. 🦆
