We hope everyone had a lovely summer break, it was so lovely to see all the young people return to Bale's Farm last week. Last year we all enjoyed learning about the world that we live in, looking at a different continent each term.
This year we are looking closer to home and we are learning about the United Kingdom. The first half term we will be focusing on; Geography - The countries that make up the UK. History - The Vikings. Design and Technology - we will be making Viking shields and armour. Science - The UK Seasons and in cooking we will be using produce from the United Kingdom. With this in mind we went blackberry picking last week and had great fun making blackberry jam, which is now for sale in the stall at the bottom of the drive.
We also look forward to continuing to help children with their English and Maths. Some young people got straight back into their learning last week and have started Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT. We are also able to offer ASDAN courses in a range of subjects including Animal Care, Food Wise, and Personal Development Programmes.
We look forward to another exciting year here at Bale's Farm.
